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Scalable and flexible display processor

VeriSilicon's Vivante DC8000 Display Processor family is designed specifically for Wearable, MCU, MPU, and Mobile applications that need hardware UI displays and effects. It is absolutely essential for building efficient mobile and embedded systems targeting the next generation of displays to meet rising consumer expectations for appealing UI. Vivante DC8000 Display Processor IP provides a range of low-power and high-performance display cores that can be used for reading rendered images from the frame buffer. In addition to providing hardware cursor patterns, the display processor performs format conversions, dithering, and gamma corrections.

Addressable screen sizes range from the smallest wearable devices, IoT devices, cell phones to 4K resolutions. Vivante DC8000 Display Processor IP is designed for easy integration onto the SoC, providing powerful UI, graphics, video at the lower power consumption and the smaller of silicon footprints.

Leading Performance per Area
"Push button" reference flow for Cadence and Synopsys
100 ps clock uncertainty
Test insertion ready
Extreme Low Power Design
Intelligent power management and control
Automatic hardware dynamic power control
Software controlled power states
Automatic clock/power gating of flip flops, RAMs, and functional blocks
Display Output
Parallel pixel output with 24-bit or 30-bit data
DPI 24-bit, 18-bit (2 configs) and 16-bit support (3 configs)
Adaptable to external serialization logic, e.g. HDMI
AXI bus Interfaces
64-bit or 128-bit AXI
Optional ACE-Lite
Bursts to 128 bytes (64-bit AXI) /256 bytes (128-bit AXI)
Display Control
Dual Display available with: Independent clock bits and gating controls; Dither LUT for each display; Independent sync and gamma signals; Cursor can be shared across displays
Scaling and Rotation of input surfaces available
Input formats supported: ARGB8888, ARGB1555, RGB565, ARGB4444, YUV422-YUY2 YUV422-UYVY, YUV422-NV16, YUV420-NV12, YUV420-10bit semi-planar
Unified Compression Support
Hardware Deliverables
Synthesizable Verilog RTL
Memory specifications
Memory specifications
SoC integration test suites
System diagnostic tests (FPGA and SoCsystems)
FPGA bit file (Xilinx) for prototyping
Timing constraints
Reference floor plan definition
Reference implementation flow
Reference formal verification script







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ZSP Digital Signal Processors
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